Excellence and Reliability
Across the Nation and Beyond
Call: 262.632.1989

About Racine Flame Spray, Inc.

From its beginnings in 1923 as Metals Bonding Company, (Div. CWS Corp.), Racine Flame Spray, Inc. has become one of the foremost providers of high technology coatings application.

Racine Flame Spray continues to grow through the hard work and dedication of its team members. It has customers worldwide, from Florida to British Columbia and Los Angeles to Newfoundland.

A reputation for reliability, quality, speed and efficiency is your assurance of outstanding service.

Racine Flame Spray received ISO 9001 certification in 2001. A reputation for reliability, quality, speed and efficiency is your assurance of outstanding service. Racine Flame Spray has always worked closely with the pulp and paper industry of North America. The challenges presented by this industry's very special needs have always been met by Racine Flame Spray.

Our techniques and adaptability in servicing a wide variety of roles have earned us a reputation for excellence across the nation and throughout many foreign countries. Racine Flame Spray enjoys an excellent reputation for on-site work. A commitment to do whatever it takes to get the job done is an RFS hallmark. Trucks and crews can be dispatched to our plant for emergency or scheduled shutdowns. Our equipment set-up requires little customer assistance and all work is completed quickly, efficiently, and with minimum intrusion. Customer satisfaction comes first with Racine Flame Spray and trained technicians strive to provide the best service possible.
